Netflix Live Concert Feature: Why every brilliant feature idea is not a brilliant business…This article is intended to look at a UI project about already existing and highly adopted app and incorporate a new feature into the…Feb 3, 2020Feb 3, 2020
Lean Product Development & Feature Prioritization in UX: Smart Camp Case StudyFun People Project of Ironhack UXUI Bootcamp Week 3Jan 26, 20202Jan 26, 20202
Benchmark Analysis, Usability Testing & Prototyping: Regenbogen Buchhandlung Case StudyLocal e-Commerce Project of Ironhack UXUI Bootcamp Week 2Jan 19, 2020Jan 19, 2020
Design in Daily Life: Waste container modal from Muratpaşa Municipality and moreAnother practice before we start the Ironhack Bootcamp was evaluation user experiences of our life in terms of design principles.Dec 30, 2019Dec 30, 2019
Ironhack Prework — Exercise 1: Visual Note-TakingVisual notetaking is a process of representing ideas non-linguistically. They can be used to process information and communicate it to…Dec 12, 2019Dec 12, 2019
Ironhack Prework Challenge 3: Usability Evaluation and Site Redesign for Kayak AppDoes it work how users expect?Dec 8, 20192Dec 8, 20192